Watercolor Instruction
Come paint with me!
Classes and workshops focus on showing light through strong value contrasts, simplifying the composition, and selecting an exciting and creative color scheme. Students recieve tips for loosening up their style and painting with greater confidence while learning the fundamentals of design. A variety of subject matter is offered including representational subjects - animals, people, still life, landscape - on traditional paper, as well as watercolor abstracts on yupo.
For information on workshops or weekly Zoom classes, please email by clicking
For information on in-person watercolor classes at Pasco Fine Arts Council
Upcoming Workshops and Demonstrations
Showing Light & Interpretive Color in Watercolor Demonstration
Florida Watercolor Society
52nd Annual Convention
Friday, September 29, 2023
Ocala, Florida
Cradling & Other Tips for Exhibiting
Florida Suncoast Watercolor Society
Zoom demonstration following members meeting
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Fearless Yupo Abstracts Workshop
Beach Art Center
1515 Bay Palm Blvd
Indian Rocks Beach, FL
Saturday, Nov. 18, 2023
To register, click the link below